NLDS Game 4: Whoops.


Well shit.

I mean, I guess I could sit here and concoct some sort of narrative that would make you feel better or worse about the Cardinals 2-1 loss the Nationals on Thursday. But I don't think it'd help anything.
Baseball, sometimes, isn't as complicated as we want to make it. We had a game where pitchers were dominant. And the game ended up coming down to two good players working over each other for 14 pitches in the bottom of the 9th and the better player winning.
It's not a disgrace. Or a symptom of something bigger. Somebody has to win these games and Lance Lynn happened to be the guy that got beat. 
Shit happens.
Luckily, the Cardinals had the game advantage and get another shot at the NLCS on Friday night. 
Am I confident? No. No I am not. Because the 2012 Cardinals are capable of any type of game Friday. They could win 15-0. They could lose 15-0. Every single scenario is in play. 

Also, Jason Werth, everyone.
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