Brad Marchand joins twitter, wants you to buy his crappy shirt

Brad Marchand Predator
A few days ago Brad Marchand wrote this in his ESPN Boston journal/diary/blog:

Brad Marchand ESPN Boston

Then late last night we see these tweets from Kampfer and Seguin:


So by saying “I’m never getting twitter” he meant “Imma getting it Thursday.” The kid got thousands of follwers instantly and he hadn’t made a single tweet. It was the Charlie Sheen effect all over again. “What’s his first tweet going to be!?” “I hope he chirps Bieska or that vagina coach.” Nope, sorry, fellas. He wants you to buy his crappy Bru Tan Clang shirt.

Lame. But the kid’s got to make up that suspension money somehow.

Jack Edwards twitter debut
was 100x better, though. (Cue Kanye West)

You can get that shirt at the above link or you can get a shirt that doesn’t suck from Bottom Line Apparel or our DOY Store. Just sayin’.

As for Marchand. We hope he doesn’t turn into that Slap Chop salesman on his twitter account. *Yawn*

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