Brooks Orpik Loves Tom Clark Chevrolet, MAF Loves Rock Band

Two things I wanted to point out about last night’s Pens win…and it was looking like there was no evidence of either on the Internet. Enter the incomparable Seth from Empty Netters.

In his intermission interview, murderer-lookalike Brooks Orpik wore a very fashionable Tom Clark Chevrolet hat. Send me one, Tom Clark, and I promise to wear it while blogging!

Brooks Orpik Loves Tom Clark Chevrolet, MAF Loves Rock Band

The other was MAF enjoying some Rock Band. I wrote about my love of Rock Band a while back, so this gives me another reason to respect MAF. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding this gig, as the Pens bar in Manhattan got relatively noisy when this segment came on.

Brooks Orpik Loves Tom Clark Chevrolet, MAF Loves Rock Band

Coolest team ever? Coolest team ever.

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