Get Your Reds Tickets from!

A lot of you have used and loved our TiqIQ feature during the Colts season.

Pacers tickets have long been available, but now you can get Cincinnati Reds tickets too!

TiqIQ is a price aggregator that allows you to find the best deals on online tickets from a variety of secondary vendors (like Stub Hub or Ebay)  Using TiqIQ doesn’t cost you anything, and it might save you a bunch of money.  It also helps to support We are hoping to add other events and teams (like the Cubs) in the near future.  You no longer have to spend an hour searching all the ticket sites for the best deals, just use TiqIQ on!

So this season, as you get the baseball jones and want good seats, check out the 18to88 Tickets banner at the top of every page!

Get Your Reds Tickets from!

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