Oregonians Are Still Gaining Weight

ObesityOver the past 10 years, the diet and fitness industry is one of the biggest multi-billion dollar businesses. Yet, we are still gaining weight. Dealing with the life threatening illnesses that come with obesity continue to cost our health care, (and our pocket books), to skyrocket.


Aren’t we exercising like crazy, aren’t we dieting like crazy………………..Not really.

On average, 87% of all Americans try to diet at least once in their lifetime. And as we know, most don’t succeed. Well, they might be successful in losing the initial weight but then fall back into old habits.

Exercising is the only REAL way to keep the weight off. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can continue to eat unhealthy.

Your body weight is determined by 3 things: What you eat, how you move and your genetics. Two of those factors you can control, one you can’t. Meaning, if your short statured, exercisng isn’t going to make you grow taller. You can appear taller with a strong core and good posture, so don’t use that as an excuse.

Most of our great grandparents weren’t overweight. They worked hard and ate healthy. They didn’t sit for 10 hours a day in front of a computer or TV. Modern conveniences have made us unhealthy. Yes, they are nice to have, but they have come with a huge cost.

The number one excuse I get for not exercising is “time”. Not enough time in the day. True, we are all working longer and making less money, but the popularity of the internet and reality TV has taken hold. We have become sedentary.

The answer is clear. We need to recapture the Good Ole Days. Not everything, but  times where physical fitness didn’t cost money or take more time from our day. The days when walking up stairs was preferred over riding the elevator. The time when driving up to a window to get your food wasn’t normal. The time when kids ran around outside, instead of their make-believe character running on the TV screen. Most of all, the time when we ate food that grew out of the ground and not out of a box.

Our children deserve long healthy lives. Lets show them how. You first!

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