Important Announcement


Well, look at this. Something new in this space.

Don’t get too excited because it’s not actually a new idea being vomited forth, but, as the title indicates, an announcement. So I guess it’s only new in that these exact words have never been written here before. YOU ARE EXPERIENCING HISTORY, FRIENDS.

Anyway, my apologies for the lack of posting over the last few months. Work conveniently decided that August through the first part of this month would be an exercise in LET’S SEE HOW MUCH WATER THE USS GRAY* CAN TAKE ON BEFORE IT SINKS.

*That is the first time in my life I have ever referred to myself as a ship. YET ANOTHER HISTORIC MOMENT AND WE’RE ONLY THREE PARAGRAPHS IN.

The good news (or bad, depending on where you stand) is that I didn’t sink. More like just sat really low in the water and tried not to get crushed by some rogue wave (speaking of rogue waves, read The Perfect Storm; I will NEVER get on a boat in the ocean again; or just get in the ocean again at all).

Now that I’m on the other side of nearly drowning, I’m making every effort to get some life back into this place. I realize the timing of this is not good, considering everyone stops looking at the Internet a few days before Christmas and doesn’t check back in until after New Year’s (YOUR FAMILY IS NOT THAT INTERESTING SO LOOK AT THE INTERNET).

However, now I have time to write things here, and write things I shall. So the point of this is to say I’m back to, at the very least, making an effort, which should ramp up the production of stupidity that has been missing for the better part of four months.

I hope to get a few things up during this week, and the same next week. So do not fret, friends (though, at this point, it could be just “friend”). I shall soon return to the glory days of providing a way to waste a minimum of four minutes of your day.

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