How to Determine the CBD Dose That Is Right for You?

Whether you’re an experienced user or a first-timer, knowing the right CBD dose for you is very important. However, choosing the right one is not as easy as what you’re thinking. Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not made an RDI or recommended daily dose you are not going to see any official serving size.

So to help you regarding this matter, listed below are some tips that you can take into consideration in order to determine the right dosage for you. If you are looking for more general informations about CBD, Daily Leaf is the place to be.

Tips on How to Determine the Right CBD Dose?

  • Estimate Depending On Your Weight

Similar to the amount of food you eat, the right dose of pharmaceutical medicines also depends on your weight. If you are a heavy person, basically, your body needs a higher dose in order to attain the anticipated results. Lean persons, on the other hand, will definitely need lower applications. For instance, 20MG to 33MG might be a good start for a 200-pound individual

  • Consult your doctor

When taking any medication or treatment don’t ever disregard your doctor, most especially if you suffering from a certain medical ailment. Make a discussion with your doctor to evaluate if CBD may possibly hinder your medical ailment treatment or not.

Doctors or physicians are actually competent to prescribed drugs. Although CBD use is a developing area of understanding, an experienced doctor who is acquainted with your medical history may be in the right position to endorse an ideal dose for you.   

Nevertheless, it is very important that you consult doctors that have at least basic awareness about CBD and know how your body works.

  • Start Small and then Gradually Increase

Rather than going in a full control, consider beginning with a small dose and gradually increase while monitoring the reaction of your body until you determine the right dose which works for your condition.

  • Know the product’s content

Whether the extract has been combined with other ingredients or it’s a pure one, knowing the nature of the product you’re using is very important.

The main objective of many CBD products is to accomplish a wide variety of objectives. However, this may possibly affect the product’s concentration. That said, check the product’s content on its packaging as much as possible,  

  • Use a CBD Dosage Calculator

In actual fact, it is the easiest way that you can do to find the dose which is best-suited for you. Plus, it can help in making a more systematically plan for your dosages. Meaning to say you will be able to obtain the treatment’s full benefits without throwing away any of your CBD oil.


Keep in mind that the right CBD dose will differ from one person to another. Apart from that it will also depend on an individual’s treatment goals.

On the other hand, finding the right dosage is a process. However, if you are having a hard time looking for the proper dose, you can consider the above-mentioned tips. Better yet, consult your doctor for further help.

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