Game Countdown – 10/01/09: A Red October – Rangers @ Angels

Today is the first day of the Angels hope will be a very red October.  We say that every year, but I really feel this year could be different.

The Hunt for Red October

Instead of Sean Connery speaking with a Scottish accent, despite playing a Russian, our captain is Mike Scioscia, no accent needed.

Already the Angels are starting to heat up at just the right time.  They have the longest current winning streak of any potential playoff team while their prospective ALDS opponent owns the longest current losing streak of post-season contenders.  And while those same Red Sox historically punk the Angels in the post-season, this will be the third straight ALDS series for the two and we all know that the third time is the charm.

I’ve been wrong with my gut feelings in the past, so let’s just hope this one doesn’t end with the Halos lying bleeding on the Fenway Park grass lamenting that they would like to have seen Montana.

Texas Rangers (85-73) @ Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (94-64)

Starters: TEX – Kevin Millwood (12-10, 3.75 ERA)  LAA – John Lackey (11-8, 3.77 ERA)

Game Info: 3:05 PM PT TV-Fox Sports West, Radio-KLAA 830 AM, KFWB, KWKW 1330 AM

THREE Questions:

  • Can Lackey get back on his game after two sub-par starts?  I know he will be on a pitch count, but Big John could really use four strong innings this afternoon.
  • Why don’t the Rangers start more of their scrubs?  They clearly aren’t trying to make a point by having the regulars hit the Angel reserves hard.  They are really just embarrassing themselves.  At least if the Ranger scrubs get one-hit, nobody will think much of it.  At least try and save some face, Texas.
  • How is that the Angels went from a tight division race a few weeks ago to being a win away from having a double-digit lead over the Rangers?

TWO Predictions:

  • We’re going to get a homer from one of the September call-ups, I’m thinking Terry Evans, but don’t hold me to that.
  • The Rangers finally show some life on offense and shell whoever replaces John Lackey when he comes out, probably Trevor Bell.

ONE Wish:

  • I wish I was able to get off work in time to attend the post-season rally after today’s game, but alas, it isn’t meant to be.

ZERO Tolerance for… not sweeping the Rangers.  It would really just be the perfect ending to the Angels home season and put an exclamation point on their season series with Texas who still win the regular season series, but now have to be feeling pretty bad about how they match-up with the Halos next year.

Leave your own questions, answers, predictions or wishes as a comment or just hang out with us during the game or even chat with us on twitter (@MonkeyWithAHalo).

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