‘NXT’ (12/2) Results And Review: Last Show Before ‘NXT Takeover WarGames,’ Last Member Of Team Shotzi Revealed, And More


This episode of NXT took place at the Capital Wrestling Center in Orlando Florida. It was the go home show for NXT Takeover: WarGames that takes place this Saturday on the WWE Network. One of the matches advertised was Shotzi Blackheart vs. Raquel Gonzalez in a Ladder Match to determine who will have the Wargames advantage.

The show started off with NXT Superstars, Triple H and Shawn Michaels on the stage paying tribute to Pat Patterson.

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Footage showed Damien Priest talking about protecting Leon Ruff for WarGames so he is Leon’s tag partner tonight. Legado Del Fantasma confronted Priest but then Priest sends Wild into the garage gate. Officials separate Priest from Legado Del Fantasma.

Leon Ruff and Damien Priest Defeated Legado Del Fantasma

After the match, Priest and Ruff see two people dressed as Ghostface behind Johnny Gargano.

Review: Pretty good match. I’m surprised they had Priest be the guy that has to make the hot tag and Leon is the guy that went in and tore it up on Legado Del Fantasma but it was to tell the story of Priest trying to protect him for WarGames so it is what it is.

Footage showed Rhea Ripley and Ember Moon showing Shotzi Blackheart the engine to their war machine. Shotzi looks at it and says she is in love.

In a video promo, The Undisputed Era show how bad of a few weeks it has been for them. They talk about being the top dogs in NXT since they arrived. Cole said their backs are up against the wall. Kyle tells them that its a time to reflect and remind them of what got them to where they are at. Bobby said he is ready to kick their asses. Cole toasts Pat McAfee for being smart and at the same time incredibly stupid.

Candice is interviewed with her team and gloats about how she has a stacked team and Shotzi doesn’t. Raquel said her team is going home with the advantage and Shotzi will feel like she got ran over by a tank.

Cameron Grimes Defeated August Gray

Cameron talked trash saying Dexter made a mistake wanting to be tied up with him. He put the strap on Gray, knocked him down and started whipping him with it. He was going to pull Gray back in but then Dexter Lumis showed up with the strap on him. Lumis knocked Grimes down with a right hand and whipped him over and over.

Review: Another pretty good match. This was to give Grimes the momentum for WarGames.

Jake Atlas Defeated Tony Nese

After the match, Jake was interviewed saying he took 3 steps back and one step forward. He said being at the top is no joke and he said this win is just the beginning. He declares that he is not stopping until he gets Santos Escobar for the Cruiserweight Championship.

Review: Good match. It looks like they are giving Jake the push even after mentioning that Pat Patterson was one of Jake’s heroes and they are probably using that for him to rival with Santos for the title so we’ll see where that goes.

Pat McAfee, Burch, Lorcan and Pete Dunne made their way to the ring. Pat tells Vic to shut up and tells him he sucks. He calls the wrestling fans losers as well as the Undisputed Era. He calls the night out with Undisputed Era lame and says they ate a low life pizza shop. He reflects that his team was put together by money. He said they have run the place since they got here and at WarGames, they will end the Undisputed Era.

Video footage showed Boa and Xia Li putting themselves underwater over and over. They bow to their master but then gets whacked with the kendo stick.

Grizzled Young Veterans went to the ring for their match against Ever Rise until Imperium took them out. Imperium tells them that the division is theirs and they are going to put them in their place.

Grizzled Young Veterans Vs. Imperium Ended In A No Contest

Ever Rise attacked both teams on the outside and run away.

Review: Good match but it just really dragged. It really didn’t need to go as long as it did and it ended with Ever Rise interfering after all that just seemed like a waste.

Ever Rise got in their car before McKenzie interview them. They say they rule as they drive away.

Timothy Thatcher does his Thatcher’s Thatch Can segment as he teaches how to deal with distractions in a match until Ciampa appeared in the ring. Ciampa said he is here to teach. Thatcher said he doesn’t have a problem with him. Ciampa calls him a disappointment. Thatcher said he doesn’t want any trouble but then attacks him. Ciampa takes him down and tells Thatcher not to be an ass. Thatcher’s student attacks Ciampa. Thatcher attacks Ciampa around ringside and puts Ciampa to sleep with the Guillotine Head Lock.

McKenzie interviewed Thatcher about what happened. He said he’s glad he finally had a student who knew what he was doing. He said at Takeover, he’s going to teach Ciampa some respect.

Shotzi Blackheart Defeated Raquel Gonzalez In The Ladder Match To Gain The Advantage For Her WarGames Team

Review: Really good match. I wouldn’t say it was as good as the men’s ladder match last week but it definitely had its moments.

Overall Review: It was an okay go home show. It didn’t really feel that much like a show before a TakeOver but they did do a good job with building towards the WarGames matches.

Grade: 6/10

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