You Make the Call: What Do You Think of Victor Rojas So Far?

It is only three games into the season, but that doesn’t mean it is too early to take a look at the job new play-by-play announced Victor Rojas is doing.  The Angels looked long and hard for a replacement for the late Rory Markas before selecting Rojas, but the question is do you think they made the right choice?

You Make the Call! What do you think of Victor Rojas so far as the new play-by-play man for the Angels?

A) Great work so far.  I enjoy his more measured and relaxed approach to the game.

B) He is alright but definitely has room to improve.  He and Mark Gubicza haven’t really worked out a rapport yet and it can make their work a little rough and awkward at times.

C) I’m not sure how I feel about him yet but I do know that he is already leaps and bounds better than Steve Physioc.  Ask me again in a few months.

D) He sucks hard.  I have to watch the game on mute now, kind of like when Tim McCarver announces a game.

SECRET OPTION E) The best thing I can say about him so far is that I don’t really notice him, which might actually be a good thing in a day and age of announcers who try and hog the spotlight (I’m talking to you, Joe Buck).

Victor Rojas

Is Rojas the right man for the Angels booth?

Let us know what you think the right call is or submit an answer of your own by leaving a comment below.  NOTE: Comment moderation is currently turned on so I have to approve your comment if you have never made one at this blog before, but I will try and be fast about it, after that you can comment freely.  I know it is a hassle, but it is outside of my control for now.

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