You Make the Call: Can the Bullpen Be Fixed?

Wild fire season has started early in Southern California this year with a raging grease fire burning in the Anaheim area, specifically in the area of the LA Angels’ bullpen.  The Angels have a wretched 5.88 ERA on the year, second-worst in the American League and yet somehow they seem to keep finding new ways to fail.  Fernando Rodney is really the only reliable reliever on the roster right now, but is it possible for the rest of the pen to turn things around?

You Make the Call! Can the Angel bullpen be fixed and how?

A) Absolutely, we just need to be patient.  There is too much talent in the bullpen and they will all get it figured out soon.  The same thing happened at the start of last season but the relievers all rounded into form by season’s end.

B) Maybe, they can’t possibly pitch much worse and some guys will definitely improve, but they still need to add some help at some point.

C) Nope, they are screwed.  We should all be terribly frightened that Fernando Rodney is considered a savior right now because he was by far the biggest question mark coming into the season right now.  Once he falls apart (and he will) the Halos are going to take a huge nose dive.

SECRET OPTION D) Wait, I thought the Mets signed Francisco Rodriguez last year?  Why is he on the team again and why is he taller, younger and not wearing glasses?  Is this like the sideways universe on Lost?  I am so confused.

Brian Fuentes

Don’t feel bad, Fuentes, the other relievers all stink too.

Let us know what you think the right call is or submit an answer of your own by leaving a comment below.

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