You Make the Call: Should the Angels Make a Trade?

The trade deadline is a a little over two weeks away and the Angels are in a tough position.  They are just close enough to catching the Texas Rangers that they have to be tempted to try and swing a big deal but at the same time, the Rangers just got stronger by way of their Cliff Lee trade and could start to pull away any day now.  Whatever is Tony Reagins to do?

Tony Reagins

You Make the Call! Should the Angels make a trade deadline move and if so, how big of a move?

A) Go for broke.  Rental players, big-time players, whatever it takes to get the Angels back to the World Series.  We’ve all had just about enough of this win the AL West and then flameout in the post-season business.

B) Keep it conservative.  Just acquire some minor bench depth or guys who have contracts that run beyond this season so that the team is set-up for the future as well.  The Angels don’t have the prospect depth to acquire big-time rental players so if they are going to spend them, it better set them up well for the long-term and short-term.

C) Raise the white flag and become sellers.  This just looks like it is the Rangers’ year so the Halos should just concede the division and see if they can’t stockpile some assets so they can reload for next season.  Besides, does anyone really think this is a World Series contending team?  Adding a few parts might help them win the division but what is the point if they are just going to get whacked in by the Yankees again?

SECRET OPTION D) Channel their inner Stoneman and do absolutely nothing and instead count on improvement from within from underachieving players only to realize how naive that idea is a few weeks after the deadline when it is far too late.

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