Halo Headlines – 2/21/11

Daily Links for the LA Angels including Morales might have to start the season at DH, Wells bashes Texas for the way they treated Young, Wood got swing help for the Yankees’ Kevin Long and much more…

The Story: Kendry Morales might have to open the season at DH.

The Monkey Says: This is a dubious proposition at best.  The club clearly feels Kendry is ready to go in the batter’s box, but that fielding might still be an issue for him.  The question is what to do at first base when Morales has to DH.  Do they go with Wood?  Do they find a way to fit Trumbo on the bench and have him spell Morales?  And what do they do with Abreu on those days?  Personally, I think it would be best if Bobby picked up a first baseman’s mitt to see if he can’t pitch in there, though that might be a textbook example of trying to teach an old dog a new trick.  There is hidden good news in this though in that Kendry is taking fielding drills and stepping up his running, so he may wind up being healthy enough to start the season in the field full-time… maybe.


The Story: Vernon Wells speaks out against the way the Ragners have treated Michael Young.

The Monkey Says: Apparently Vernon and Young are like totally BFFs and some junk, so he is just sticking up for his buddy here.  However, he probably should mind his own business and not give the Angels’ division rival any bulletin board material, even if he is 100% right.



The Story: Vernon Wells is up for the new challenge of playing left field.

The Monkey Says: The Halos are talking up how great their outfield might be defensively this year, but I’m a bit skeptical of Wells being a great left fielder.  His metrics in center the last few years are pretty horrendous, so he might not even end up being an average left fielder, especially since he has to learn the nuances of the position still.  At least he is approaching it with a positive attitude, which is a major step in the right direction.



The Story: Brandon Wood confirmed he got some coaching from Yankees hitting coach Kevin Long.

The Monkey Says: This has been an internet rumor for months, but this is the first time it has been confirmed as a fact.  Long sounds more comfortable coming into camp than he did last season, but, naturally, he is also nursing a sore back, so he’s already a bit behind.  But at least he has a ready-made excuse for why he is going to stink when the game action starts.




The Story: Bobby Abreu is taking the transition to DH in stride.

The Monkey Says: Good for him, I’m so sick and tired of all these veterans who have become defensive liabilities bitching and moaning about the notion that they might need to convert to DH.  Clearly Abreu gets it and is embracing this move that could very well extend his career a few additional years.



The Story: Maicer Izturis won’t change his style just so he can stay healthy.

The Monkey Says: That’s for the best since Maicer isn’t good enough to mail it in every once in awhile.  At least everyone is aware that he is going to get hurt and that it is more or less inevitable.  Maicer also is going to be sleep deprived this season too since his wife gave birth to their second child last week.




The Story: Peter Bourjos is relieved to still have a hold on a starting job.

The Monkey Says: Hmmm, I’m starting to get a little concerned here.  Bourjos obviously is feeling the pressure to get his bat going, otherwise he wouldn’t be saying this.  On the bright side, the Angels are doing their best to not add to that pressure, but that may not matter if Bourjos hovers around the Mendoza line during Spring Training.



The Story: Trevor Bell is ready to contribute in any role.

The Monkey Says: I’ll save him the trouble of figuring out what his role will be, it is as a starter for the Salt Lake Bees where he will serve as a failsafe should any of the Angel starting pitchers get hurt.



The Story: Michael Kohn claims he was dealing with dead arm at the end of last season.

The Monkey Says: I hope that is not BS, because it actually would be an encouraging bit of news.  Right now, Kohn is a fastball pitcher with an average slider and a deceptive delivery.  If he can throw 95 instead of 92, it will make a big, big difference in his effectiveness and ability to make the Opening Day roster.



The Story: Mike Trout is in camp and turning heads, but the Angels are preaching patience.

The Monkey Says: There is going to be a lot of fervor over Trout for the next few weeks, but it should die down pretty quickly… unless Trout explodes in the Cactus League, in which case, Trout might cause the internet to explode with demands for him to start the year in the majors.



The Story: The Angels will be wearing their original 1961 uniforms as part of their Flashback Friday promotion this year.

The Monkey Says: Yes!  I demanded this a few weeks back, and now it is happening.  You’re welcome.  I freaking love those unis and can’t wait to see the Angels rocking them.  I just hope this doesn’t mean that they are going to add a third uniform set to the promotion and dust off those hideous Disney-era “periwinkle and pinstripes” uniforms.



The Story: The OC Register caps off their 50 greatest Angels with the top ten.

The Monkey Says: Great list, great gimmick by the OC Register folks.  WRONG GUY AT #1!!!!  I’m sorry, but Ryan shouldn’t be the best overall.  Yes, he was great, but he also only spent eight years of his career with the Halos and really, at least in my eyes, lost some points for becoming the owner of the Texas Rangers.  My top vote goes to Tim Salmon.  He may not even be half the player Ryan was, but he was an Angel for life and that has to count for something.



The Story: The good folks at LA Angels Insider are hosting an even on March 5th to benefit childhood cancer research.

The Monkey Says: If you don’t support the cause, it means you hate kids with cancer and are probably going to hell.  Hey, I don’t make the rules, I just give you the stories.















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