Halo Headlines – 5/31/11

Daily Links for the LA Angels including Wells and Kendrick progressing with their injuries, the Halos try to find a silver lining with Kazmir, the Torii Hunter problem (or not) and much more…

The Story: Vernon Wells and Howie Kendrick seem to both be progressing well in the injury rehab.

The Monkey Says: Well, this is good news.  The Angel offense is starting to show some signs of life and getting their best hitter, Kendrick, back will really help.  Getting Wells back certainly won’t hurt either so long as he is a little bit better than he was prior to the injury.

The Story: The Angel PR machine makes a laughable effort to put positive spin on Kazmir’s last rehab disaster.

The Monkey Says: His changeup looked terrific?  Well, that’s great that his third and least effective pitch looked good.  Now, if he could just throw his two good pitches without getting annihilated, then that would be real progress.

The Story: Are the Angels primed to be no-hit?

The Monkey Says: What kills me is that during the near no-no Swarzak had over the weekend, I thought that this Angel lineup getting no-hit was inevitable.  Now I hate myself for thinking that because it means I agree with Jeff Miller, and that is never a good thing.

The Story: Torii Hunter poses a problem for the Angels.

The Monkey Says: Funny that everyone complains about the Abreu option without posing a similar gripe about Hunter being under contract, guaranteed, for a lot more money next season too.

The Story: Mark Trumbo credits a higher leg kick for his recent power surge.

The Monkey Says: He can do a can-can for all I care if it means he continues to launch Trumbombs like he has been of late.

The Story: Mark Gubicza will attend memorial services for late KC announcer Paul Splittorf.

The Monkey Says: Condolences to Splittorf’s loved ones.

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