Game Recap 6/25/11 — The Kid Stays In The Picture — Angels 6 Dodgers 1

I am really starting to like Tyler Chatwood. Most people thought he would get a cup of coffee with the big team before we would be subjected to the horror that was Scott Kazmir. With Kazmir getting released, conventional wisdom had the Angels hitting the market for an arm. All along Chatwood has gone out there and battled. Sure he has had some bad games but his last two outings make me a believer that his time is now. Of course, it helps he pitched against the punchless Dodgers, but still…

Angels 6 Dodgers 1 

Game Notes

— Okay so Vernon didn’t get two hits like I predicted but his three run bomb was a beautiful sight nonetheless. I have said it before, Vernon is the key to the Angel offense and he needs to be a big bat threat. Today’s blast makes me feel like he could just be that guy.
— Talk about getting the most out of your opportunities. The Angels mustered 6 hits and put across 6 runs as a result. Another day, another Trumbomb and even a Russell Branyan double shows that the Halos have some pop after all.
— A quick Dodgers note. I think Matt Kemp is a stud. But don’t you get the sense that he could be both a repeat all star and a repeat felon at the same time. Nice job getting thrown out of the game when your team needs you the most.
— Anyone who doubts Howie Kendrick’s defense should see his leaping catch to start a double play. In my opinion, he has ascended to one of the leaders on the team, in both words and actions. He is fast becoming my favorite Angel on the team.

Halo Hero

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This one was easy. Chatwood was great. He’s a big game pitcher who never gets rattles. When he finally figures out how to pitch we might be in for a real treat. Way to go Kid!!            


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