Halo Headlines: Eddie Bane Calls Out Reagins, The Folly of Scioscia’s Love for Mathis, Did Wells Benefit From Toronto’s Alleged Sign Stealing?

The August 11th, 2011 edition of daily news for the LA Angels including fired scouting director Eddie Bane calls out Tony Reagins, the folly of Scioscia’s reliance on Mathis, was Vernon Wells’ 2010 success really a by-product of the Blue Jays allegedly stealing signs and much more…

The Story: Over a year after being fired, Eddie Bane voices his intense dislike for Tony Reagins.

The Monkey Says: When Bane got let go, it was a big surprise and led to a lot of speculation, but speculate no more, he and Reagins just plain didn’t get along.  Bane’s drafting record may not have been as bad as Reagins claimed, but if these two guys had a mutual disdain for each other, then I can’t say I really blame Reagins for letting Bane go.  But what did Eddie really expect Reagins to tell him, he has to give a legit business reason for letting him go.  You can’t just walk in to a guy’s office and fire him because you think he’s a dick, even if that is really why you are firing him.

The Story: The folly of Mike Scioscia’s continued reliance on Jeff Mathis.

The Monkey Says: There isn’t anything groundbreaking here for Angel fans as they know most of this already, but anytime the Mathis situation gets national attention, I am all for it.

The Story: Was Vernon Wells’ 2010 success really a by-product of the Blue Jays allegedly stealing signs?

The Monkey Says: Toronto is facing some pretty serious, but unfounded, charges for supposedly stealing signs and it is pure speculation that Wells’ massive home-road splits last season might have been the result of that.  I’d have to think that the sign stealing was incredibly effective and pervasive if Wells could hit that well at home and be so totally inept on the road and into this year.  Frankly, the guy has been wildly inconsistent throughout his career, so his 2010 inconsistencies are probably nothing more than his normal unpredicatability.

The Story: The young Angels are not overwhelmed as the playoff pressure mounts.

The Monkey Says: As I’ve been saying for months now, the kids continue to be the best performers while it is the veterans who have been falling apart.  If the youngsters do finally start to crack under the pressure, they will probably bring the Angels’ playoff chances down with them.

The Story: The Halos’ climb up the standings isn’t a distraction.

The Monkey Says: Since when is winning a distraction?  Was this even a potential problem?  I’ve never heard any player lament being on a good team because they can’t focus with all that positivity and good feelings that come with success.  If anything is a distraction, it is that the Angels are playing pretty well but can’t seem to gain ground on the Rangers because Texas has been gifted something like five wins in  the last week because they have been facing nothing but teams with horrific bullpens.

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