Multiple Choice Monday: Can the Angels Still Win the AL West?

So it begins.  What exactly “it” is remains to be seen.

The Rangers are in town to kick-off an immensely important four-game set with the Angels and seeing how the Halos not so proudly boast a sputtering offense, a crumbling bullpen and an overmatched rookie kicking off the series, “it” could be the beginning of the end of the Angels’ post-season dream or “it” could be the first step in an epic run to the AL West crown as the Angels buck conventional wisdom by establishing their dominance over the more talented Rangers.

What will happen?  Will we still care about Angels baseball by this time next week?  Or will we be settling back to relax and watch what is sure to be a playoff push to remember?

Angels vs. Rangers

Time to vote!

Can the Angels beat the Rangers and make it a race in the AL West?

  1. No, it is amazing this deeply flawed team stayed in the race as long as they did
  2. Maybe, Texas is overrated, so the Halos will be able to at least make it a race, but probably lack the horses to overtake
  3. Yes, the Angels will win the AL West by taking care of business one-on-one against the Rangers
  4. I hope they lose and lose badly so that Moreno wises up and fires Reagins

To place your vote, simply find the Poll of the Week in the gray sidebar to the right.

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