Multiple Choice Monday: How Did You React to the News of Weaver Signing an Extension?

Angel fans are still basking in the afterglow of the exciting news that Jered Weaver has signed a five-year extension to remain with the Halos.  The news was a pleasant as it was unexpected, which is why this week’s poll wants to know just how exactly all of you reacted when you heard this surprising news.  Was it euphoria or sheer joy?  Did you jump up and down or just scream out with delight?

Jered Weaver

Time to vote!

How did you react to the news of Weaver’s extension?

  1. Pinch me, I must be dreaming!
  2. Hooray, Boras’ reign of terror is over!
  3. Quick, someone check the weather report in hell!
  4. I can’t believe it, the Monkey was right all along and Weaver did stay with the Angels.  That guy is really smart and I should tell everyone I know to read his blog.
  5. Fire Reagins!  This was all Weaver, Reagins still needs to go.

To place your vote, simply find the Poll of the Week in the gray sidebar to the right.

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