Game Recap 5/29/12: And the eight ball says…. – Angels 5 Yankees 1

I just want to say off the bat that I love so much that the Yankees are getting caught up in the middle of this Angels firestorm. This is the longest winning streak the Angels have had in the past 3 seasons dating back to their 8 win streak in 2009, the last time the Angels made the playoffs. I don’t know about you guys, but that gets my pants real tight. You know what else gets my pants tight?

Frieri and his 0.00 ERA and 0 hits allowed in 12 IP with the Angels

Albert Pujols and his 8 HR’s + 28 RBI’s in the past month.

The unstoppable outfield trio of Trout, Bourjos, Hunter/Trumbo/who really cares who’s playing RF because Trout and Bourjos are crazy fast.

Klondike Bars

Any catcher who isn’t Jeff Mathis. Except Bobby Wilson, maybe.

Angels 5 Yankees 1

Game Recap

  •  Torii Hunter had a quite return to Anaheim, even though he did record a hit in 4 AB’s. It was probably so overlooked due to the monster games by Pujols and Trumbo as well as the outstanding defense by Trout and Bourjos. Other than the blasts by Pujols and Trumbo and the crazy catches that came seemingly every inning in the outfield there was nothing too interesting about this game, except maybe the 9th inning. The Angels grabbed the lead early on and never let go as the Yankees couldn’t battle bat to make it a ball game. They kept things fun by throwing base runners at the Angels all night, but they couldn’t capitalize as Dan Haren and the outfield defense secured a victory with unbeatable ball-playing.
  • You may have been a little freaked out and possibly irate with Ernesto Frieri’s appearance in the 9th, especially with the HBP on A-Rod with two strikes and two outs, but I was loving every second of that inning. You know why? Not because I’m crazy, that isn’t the answer this time guys. That inning was Frieri’s first real high pressure spot as an Angel, and he came through with some mad style. A little loose ball control kept him from finishing off the last few batters and he loaded up the bases on 2 walks and a HBP, though he managed to pull it together to finish off Cano with 3 straight strikes to K him for the last out. Frieri is still going strong out of the mound, and my head is still on the verge of exploding with the realization at how dominant of a pitcher he really is.
  • Pujols and Trumbo homer yet again, Pujols for his 8th of the season and Trumbo for his 9th and 3rd straight game with a HR. Imagine if Pujols had started off this season on the same foot that he started May, he’d be closing in on 20 home runs already. I think it’s going to be a fancy little race to watch as Pujols and Trumbo compete to out homer each other the whole season. My money is on Trumbo beating out Pujols with close to 40 home runs. 

Notable offensive performances: M.Trout 1-4 1RBI 1K, M.Izturis 1-4 1R, A.Pujols 2-4 2R 2RBI 1K, M.Trumbo 2-4 1R 1RBI 1K, H.Kendrick 1-4 1RBI, T.Hunter 1-4, E.Aybar 2-4, P.Bourjos 1-4 1R 1K

Halo Hero

Trumbo Pujols

After the way this 3-4 combo has been laying the smackdown on all these puny baseballs you have to think that power combos don’t really get any better than this. Really, I think this has to be the best 1-2 power punch in the entire AL at the very least. What other teams have this kind of combo that can compare?

Seriously let me know guys, I’m way too lazy to look it up right now.   

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