Halo Headlines: Trout humble and grounded off the field, Williams takes on racist tweets, Angels kick tires on Ben Sheets

The June 14th, 2012 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim including Trout humble and grounded off the field, Williams takes on racist tweets, Angels kicking the tires on Ben Sheets and much more…

The Story: A great profile on what Mike Trout is like off of the field.

The Monkey Says: A terrific read about a kid who just seems like he is generally terrific in every possible way.

The Story: Jerome Williams and other Angels took on a person on Twitter who sent racist messages to Williams after Tuesday’s game.

The Monkey Says: People on the internet are just the worst sometimes.

The Story: The Angels were on hand to watch Ben Sheets throw.

The Monkey Says: The Halos are smart to do their due diligence, but if ever there was a sign that they were thinking about pulling Santana from the rotation, this is it.

The Story: The Angels signed 14 more of their draft picks to contracts, including 4th-rounder Alex Yarbrough.

The Monkey Says: The Halos still haven’t gone over slot for anyone either, so they are in good shape to get most of their draft class signed.  Of course, that is usually the case when you draft almost nothing but college players.

The Story: Scott Downs is still day-to-day with soreness in his side.

The Monkey Says: One would think that with the off day today, he will have had enough time to heal up and be available for the start of the coming homestand.

The Story: Torii Hunter is thriving in the two-hole.

The Monkey Says: I was a big proponent of moving him to second in the order, but now I am wondering if he needs to drop in the order.  The problem now is that basically once you get past Morales and Trumbo in the order, the Angels have nothing.  Having Hunter bat sixth would possibly add some depth to the lineup.  Of course, it means batting a lousy hitter in the two-hole to make it happen, so it might akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face.  This really wouldn’t be a problem if Howie Kendrick could do something other than hit weak choppers.

The Story: The current fascination with Trout and Harper could be fleeting.

The Monkey Says: A novel and spot on take on the current fascination in the baseball world with those two phenoms.

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