Do NOT vote Trout or Trumbo, vote NOT Rangers instead

Angels All StarsThere are less than two weeks left to cast your All-Star ballot.  That means that you only have two weeks to follow the Angels’ mandate to “Vote Trout” and “Vote Trumbo!” 

Doing that is great.  I certainly can’t blame you for doing it.  I love Trout and Trumbo immensely and hope and believe they will make the All-Star Game.  But, yeah, you probably shouldn’t vote for them.

Say whaaaaaaaaat?

Yeah, I know.  That seems counter-intuitive but it is 100% true.  Voting for Trout or Trumbo or any Angel for that matter is quite simply a waste of a vote.  It is is the MLB equivalent of casting a ballot for Ralph Nader in the upcoming Presidential Election.  It might make you feel good about yourself, but it isn’t going to make a lick of difference once all the votes are tallied.

As I have noted for the last few weeks, the only Angel who even appears in the voting returns is Albert Pujols, currently in fifth place in first base voting.  Trout and Trumbo are nowhere to be seen, which means they are both well over a million votes away from getting into the Mid-Summer Classic.  Like I said, you can vote for them if you want, but they aren’t going to make up a million votes in two weeks.  Heck, they probably won’t even make up 100,000 votes.  That kind of sucks to say, but it is the truth.  Sorry.

Fear not!  All hope is not yet lost for your not yet filled-in ballot.  What you can do to make a difference is vote against the Texas Rangers.  While the Halos are hardly registering in All-Star voting, those pesky Rangers and their ballot box-stuffing tactics are littered all over the returns.  Ian Kinsler, Mike Napoli, Josh Hamilton, Nelson Cruz and Adrian Beltre would all be starters based on the most recent vote totals that MLB released.  And Michael Young is within shouting distance of taking the DH start too.  That, my friends, we cannot abide.

Whatever your political belief system might be, it is time all Angels fans dig down deep to vote for change, even if they don’t really believe in it.

Instead of burning a vote on Trout or Trumbo or any other Angel, what I implore you to do is vote for whoever is in second behind each Texas Ranger.  That means you just became Robinson Cano’s biggest fan at second base, that you now believe Miguel Cabrera is the best third baseman in the AL, that Joe Mauer is class of all catchers and that Curtis Granderson, Jose Bautista and Adam Jones are all wonderful human beings that need to be honored as All-Stars.  Like I said, you don’t really need to believe in it, you just need to vote like you do.

Is this a petty call to action on my part?  Quite possibly.  Do I care?  No, not really because I generally don’t care about the All-Star Game.  But I do care about tweaking Texas fans whenever possible.

Let’s do it, Angels fans! Vote NOT Rangers!!!!  Si se puede!!!!!!!

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