Game Recap 7/24/12: Stupid is as stupid does – Royals 4 Angels 1

Did the Angels just get punked on by Will Smith of the Royals?

You gotta be kidding me, that was absolutely f’ing pathetic. This is a guy who posted a freaking 7+ ERA with the Royals so far, a guy who had OBVIOUS TROUBLE throwing consistent strikes in tonight’s game. Yet the Angels hitters, in key situations, saw fit to swing wildly at the absolute worst pitch possible.

Tonight’s game was a replay of all last season all over again, the Angels have been one of the best teams at eating up left handed starters yet today they got made to look like fools at the hands of scrub.

I probably wouldn’t be so damn frustrated if it wasn’t for the fact that the Angels routinely crap themselves every single the time the Rangers open up a shot for the Angels to close ground in the race. Oh, and now the Angels are tied for 2nd in the AL West by the Oakland A’s.

How f***ing grand.

Angels 1 Royals 4 

I’m gonna take a quick second to focus on another topic before my jugular explodes in pure rage just thinking about how pathetic the Angels were tonight. The latest hot trade rumor is that the Angels have been discussing sending Bourjos-Conger-Santana to the Rays for James Shields. I don’t need to tell you how ridiculously lopsided this trade is, Shields is an average pitcher who can flash greatness occasionally, a lower half of the rotation starter at best who is under team control for a couple years.

The Angels have no business giving up an extremely team friendly player in Bourjos who have massive value for the team for an average pitcher. They can have at Conger, but Bourjos is ridiculous.

Now to get back to the raging.

Game Recap

  • We might as well start off with Garrett Richards since he was pretty much the root of the Angels problems today. He dug the team in a hole straight out of the gate, and as soon as the Howie Kendrick killed the rally (what a surprise) in the following bottom half of the inning Smith was given the confidence he needed to shoot past the Angels for the rest of the game. Richards gave up 4 quick runs to start the game, probably didn’t help that he walked 3 as well. At least Williams was able to come into the game out of the pen and pitch spectacularly, far better than Richards did, with 0 hits and 3 K’s in 4 innings. Makes you think if maybe Williams stock as a starter is a little higher than wishy-washy Richards, at least for now.
  • Howie Kendrick just needs to be buried in the lineup to protect him from killing all these rallies. Or should I say the rallies should be protected from him? Kendrys needs to stop playing against left-handed batters; in fact he should be traded while his value is still marginally good. Segura had a relatively unspectacular, poor guy had to be dragged down by the pathetic turnout by his teammates tonight. 
  • I’m getting pretty frustrated just thinking about how terribly this team performed tonight, and I really can’t elaborate enough on how badly the offense was in tonight’s game. It was like a flashback to the Mickey Hatcher days. I’m just going to go ahead and get to the Halo A-Hole before my brain implodes.

Halo A-Hole

We’re still allowed to blame all our problems on Santana right?


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