Game Recap 10/3/12: Grand Finale – Mariners 12, Angels 0

It's a wonder I didn't just post a video of myself crying and call it a night. 

Mariners 12, Angels 0

Instead of picking apart this evening's "game" like I normally would, I think it's safe to say that the Angels made too many errors, gave up too many runs, and didn't hit the ball enough times. Does that suffice? 

Something I will mention is that I would have loved to see Jered Weaver throw a couple more innings. He was taken out after the first inning due to "general fatigue."

Well, Weaver, you're not the only one feeling a bit fatigued. 

This game took every blown save, every game in which they came up short, put it in the dugout, called it the "Angels" and that was that. This being the final recap of the season, I don' t have the heart to give out a "Halo A-Hole" um, award? tonight. I will end on a positive note.

As I sit here eating a plate full of broccoli, I wonder what the offseason holds for a team of this caliber. A team that was set to win the World Series this fall.  

The Angels didn't exactly meet their expectations this season, but I have not had more fun watching a team play baseball. Win or lose, every game was played with a tremendous amount of emotion, ranging from frustration to excitement. These emotions were felt by fans and players alike, which is what makes this Angels Family that we're all apart of, so fantastic. 

This team isn't going anywhere (well, most of them) and after falling short of the postseason…again, I can almost promise that this organization (up to and including Arte Moreno and Jerry "JeDi" Dipoto) will be as eager as ever for a playoff spot and a World Series ring. 

Game Recap 10/3/12: Grand Finale - Mariners 12, Angels 0

See you in Tempe, folks! 



Photo Credit: (Harry How/Getty Images)

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