Jered Weaver has a broken elbow, out 4-to-6 weeks

You know how I said last week that April could be really rough for the Angels? Well, things just got a lot tougher. I'll allow Ken Rosenthal to break the bad news to you:

Weaver, the Angels’ ace right-hander, will be out 4 to 6 weeks after suffering a broken left (non-pitching) elbow, major-league sources say.

So much for the original examination coming back negative. The Angels already had a shaky rotation with Weaver, so things are only going to get shakier without Weaver for a full month. Presumably Garrett Richards will take Weaver's spot in the rotation, but the team hasn't made an announcement yet, so Jerome Williams is a possibility as well. We do know though that reliever Dane De La Rosa has been called up to take Weaver's spot on the roster.

If there is any good news here it is that this injury shouldn't have any long-term effects on Weaver since it is his non-throwing elbow. If anything, it might give him some time in rehab to work on his mechanics and strength to possibly overcome his loss of velocity we saw in his first two starts. Or maybe I am just desperately trying to find a silver lining in an otherwise soul-crushing bit of news. Yeah, probably that.


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