Halo Headlines: Hamilton claims allergies are affecting him, Weaver close to going out on rehab

Halo Headlines: Hamilton claims allergies are affecting him, Weaver close to going out on rehab

The May 15th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Hamilton claims allergies are affecting him, Weaver close to going out on rehab and much more…

The Story: Josh Hamilton claims he has been "off" lately due to allergies and a sinus infection.

The Monkey Says: This is why he left Monday's game early with some dizziness. Or, as Ranger fans will suggest (probably profanely), Josh finally found his first horse crap excuse to hang his struggles on.

The Story: Jered Weaver is hoping to skip making rehab starts and return to the rotation next week.

The Monkey Says: That doesn't sound like it is going to happen though since the team is treating him with kid gloves. The team is still insisting he needs not one but two rehab starts which really doesn't do much to make me change my conspiracy theory that he is nursing another undisclosed ailment in his pitching arm.

The Story: The postponed Angels-Twins game from April has been reschedule for September 9th.

The Monkey Says: I'd complain that the Angels just lost a precious September off day but, well, you know.

The Story: The many facepalms of Joe Blanton.

The Monkey Says: Nobody likes you, Joe Blanton. Get out of the rotation, please.

The Story: Joe Blanton is not in danger of losing his rotation spot.

The Monkey Says: DAMMIT!!!! Actually, not really. Scioscia's words have an expiration date here. Blanton won't be dropped from the rotation *right now* because, well, who the hell would replace him? But in a few weeks when Weaver is on the verge of coming back, I bet Scioscia's comments get a lot more wishy washy. Even more so if Jerome Williams pitches not terribly.

The Story: A fielding independent recap of Joe Blanton's recent start.

The Monkey Says: Hilarious. Depressing, but also hilarious. It really does kind of blow my mind that Blanton can miss so many bats yet also give up so much good contact.

The Story: The Battle of Los Angeles is really starting to get depressing.

The Monkey Says: Which I actually think makes the article better. Would we ever have gotten MattinglyFace if things weren't going so bad for both sides?

The Story: How David Eckstein became a catalyst for the sabermetric movement.

The Monkey Says: Narrative vs. OBP, oh the battles that Eckstein incited! He's like the Archduke Ferdinand of the sabermetric era.

The Story: Albert Pujols is holding his annual charity golf event this coming Monday.

The Monkey Says: I swear to Flying Spaghetti Monster if he doesn't use a freaking cart to give his feet and knee a rest I am going to take a lob wedge to the back of his giant head.

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