Angels can’t stop the rain or another loss, fall to Baltimore 4-3


It really speaks to how the Angels' season is going when you find yourself rooting for the rain to never stop.

For a few hours, it looked like the Halos may have caught a break after Baltimore took the lead in the bottom of the fifth only to have the umpires call a rain delay with two outs in the inning. Had the rain not stopped, the inning wouldn't have counted and the game could've been wiped out and the Halos could at least temporarily avoid a loss.

Nope. Didn't happen. Even the weather is against the Angels right now.

Instead, play resumed and the Angels tried to mount a comeback after once again being largely held in check by Freddy Garcia, which is kind of inexcusable but also totally expected. As per usual, the Angels had their shot, loading the bases with one out only to be foiled by Albert Pujols striking out on three pitches and Mark Trumbo weakly grounding out to end the threat.

Such is the Angels.

Orioles 4, Angels 3

Game Notes

— Hmm, Mike Trout hit a homer and drew a walk despite playing left field. It is almost like his defensive position doesn't matter at all when it comes to his production at the plate. Who woulda thunk it?

— Peter Bourjos just picked up right where he left off with two base hits tonight. He may not be batting leadoff right now, but it clearly isn't affecting him. If he can keep producing above his talent level like he has been, it would really give this pathetic lineup a shot in the arm.

— I can't decide if Garrett Richards looked weirder with the long crunchy hair or without it. He certainly pitched better without it. I guess that'll have to do.

— Hank Conger is officially that spazzy kid that was always making the coach mad with all the stupid things he did when you played Little League. Watching him scurrying out of the dugout with his tail between the legs after he failed to get ready to pinch-hit in time.


Angel A-Hole

I was tempted to blame the 200 members of the Trout family that showed up to root Mike on for somehow putting the whammy on the team, but that would be unfair because this team has been whammied sine Opening Day. No, the real culprit here was Howie Kendrick who left two runners on in the first, GIDP'd in the fourth and struck out with a runner in scoring position in the sixth.

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