Series Preview: Angels vs Blue Jays vs Post-Deadline Stress Disorder



Series Preview: Angels vs Blue Jays vs Post-Deadline Stress Disorder vs. Series Preview: Angels vs Blue Jays vs Post-Deadline Stress Disorder


THURSDAY, 8/1: Garrett Richards vs. Josh Johnson: No ball left behind

With the way these two pitchers have been throwing the past season it's easy to say there won't be many balls left behind. Every ball will find a bat, or at the very least the backstop behind the plate with the way Richards tends to overthrow nearly everything. I still have plenty of faith in Richards as he is young and very capable of putting up a great start. Josh Johnson? With his AL implosion things are less likely for him to find successful this outing.

FRIDAY, 8/2: Tommy Hanson vs. Todd Redmond: SINGING HOT! HOT! HOT!

Todd Redmond is coming off one of the best starts of his career, against the Astros however. Regardless, career best is career best and he'll like ride that momentum. This guy is on fire and that's something to be afraid of. On the flip side Tommy Hanson has been burning himself to a crisp as of late with his 5 ER in only 4.2 IP affair against Oakland. We got two pitchers that are on fire going head to head, one practically in ashes and one wielding the power of the flame like a true fire-bender. This one should be fun to watch.

 SATURDAY, 8/3: Jered Weaver vs. Esmil Rogers:  The meal in Esmil will satiate the hunger of the beast

Jered Weaver has been disgustingly hot as of late, overcoming one of his biggest hurdles in Texas, where he continually found failure start after start. After Weaver left Texas allowing only one run in 7 innings of work, a masterful start by the ace. On the other side we have Esmil Rodgers, who is coming off the worst start of his career after giving up 8 runs to the A's in less than 5 innings. It is possible that after starting of the year in the pen he's losing a bit of his touch. Whatever "touch" he has left will likely be crushed by the Angels. Promising matchup

SUNDAY, 8/4. C.J. Wilson vs Mark Buehrle: Faded Glory

C.J Wilson is coming off of a terrible start against the Rangers in Texas, which is not quite the surprise since he struggles regularly in Texas. The real kicker is Mark Buehrle, who has been struggling pretty heavily in Toronto. The real big kicker in the ass is that he's currently on a 20 inning streak with allowing no runs. He might have struggled prior to the break, but it seems he's intent on getting back to his Chicago ways.



The index reading for this series is: greener pastures

During the trading deadline the Angels were rather lifeless, aside from the FANTASTIC Callaspo-Green swap, no matter how you want to look at it. At the very worst Green will provide the same production as Callaspo, at the very best he'll be Howie Kendrick 2.0 will superior plate discipline (no more rally killing DP's!!!). You have to think that with Kendrick and Aybar finding job security, at least for now, they will be able to perform back at normal levels if not better. After the intense past couple days the Angels can now relax and move on to playing better baseball.


The passing of the trade deadline will allow our regulars who were obviously playing under some undue pressure against the Texas Rangers, to relax and get back to the basics. Maybe the team has even sparked a fire under these players to play harder after being seen as, sadly, but truly expendable for the greater good.



They'll probably just split the series against the Blue Jays, giving them no real movement in the standings. It'll take inching to make the second wildcard spot, but the Angels will most likely not find that here with a series split. That is, unless they happen to win the right games and lose the right ones.



I had a Bratwurst that was rather enjoyable, but it was too big for me to finish. I didn't feel too good about that at all. Oh..wait, we gotta talk about the Angels. Ok…uhhhh, well I like that Angels but not the Blue Jays? That should fit the ambivalence for one series.



Last time I checked…it's hunting season, and the blue bird grounds are open. I don't really know if it's hunting season or not, but according to my Looney Tunes it's ALWAYS hunting season. Time to shoot some birdies out of the sky.

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