Halo Headlines: Mike Scioscia has a TMZ moment, considering the non-tender case of Kevin Jepsen

Halo Headlines: Mike Scioscia has a TMZ moment, considering the non-tender case of Kevin Jepsen

The November 26th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Mike Scioscia has a TMZ moment, considering the non-tender case of Kevin Jepsen and much more…

The Story: Mike Scioscia is glad that the Angels upgraded at third base.

The Monkey Says: Wait, Mike Scioscia was on TMZ? Is it really that slow of a news week in Hollywood? Isn't Justin Bieber banging South American prostitutes or something? How does Scioscia trump that nonsense and end up in front of a TMZ camera. Also, if a cameraman is going to work for TMZ Sports, he should probably learn how to properly pronounce Pujols.

The Story: Should the Angels non-tender Kevin Jepsen?

The Monkey Says: Jepsen has been a constant point of contention in the bullpen because of his inconsistent performance, but it is just so hard to give up on a guy who throws so hard with a good breaking ball and a track record of success when healthy. The problem is that he often isn't healthy. He isn't expensive enough to be a real factor in the team's payroll, but keeping him on a guaranteed contract blocks young guys like Michael Kohn, Mike Morin and Nick Maronde.

The Story: Could the Red Sox and Angels be a match in a trade for Hank Conger?

The Monkey Says: It is an interesting idea, but I don't see it working out. The Angels would be hard pressed to trade Conger because he is cheap labor that would need to be replaced. If the Red Sox were willing to maybe take Joe Blanton in the swap and eat a big chunk of his contract, that might help, but even then, the Angels would probably have to get someone like Felix Doubront back in return.

The Story: Adding Joe Smith may not make a big difference in the Angel bullpen.

The Monkey Says: Relieves inherently aren't impactful players, but given that Smith can be worth a win on the season and is functionally replacing a crop of players that had been contributing at sub-replacement level, he could make a decent-sized impact.

The Story: T.J. Simers points out David Freese's checkered history with alcholo and driving.

The Monkey Says: Simers isn't wrong to point it out, but he is wrong to treat it in such a flippant manner and somehow try and link it to Gary Matthews. The DUI problem is certainly very serious and something the Angels need to monitor, but Freese has at least been trying to turn his life around and was well-regarded in the Cardinal clubhouse. Besides, just about every team in baseball has one or two guys who have been on the wrong side of the law. Let's not forget that Freese is replacing Alberto Callaspo who had a DUI arrest on his record as well as at least one arrest for domestic violence.

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