Boxscore Breakdown Game #22: Bombs away – Angels 13, Yankees 1


Determined not to be undone by the bullpen again, the Angels bombed away against the Bronx Bombers in their series opener. That puts the Angels back at .500 once again. They are now second in the league in run differential and in perfect position to disappoint once more as they try and get over .500.

Run Expectancy Rundown

The Angels did a ton of damage in this game but a great deal of it came from Erick Aybar and Hank Conger after him. Talk about unlikely sources of an offensive explosion. Heck, anytime Mike Trout can take the collar and you still score 13 runs, you have to be doing something right.

It was a bad day to be a Yankee hitter. It was an especially bad day to be a Yankee hitter named Brian.

Starting Pitcher Scores

To think, I was kind of worried about the Angels going up against Kuroda. It sucks to get old, I guess. It also suck to get staked to a huge lead and still need 111 pitches to get through six innings. C.J. Wilson had a fine line, but it would’ve been nice if he could’ve been more efficient and given the bullpen a little extra rest.

Bullpen Battle

Spooky! It is almost like the Halo bullpen doesn’t exist. For all intents and purposes, it may as well not. As for the Yankees, I don’t know who Bruce Billings is, but it looks like that is with good reason.

Game Flow

It was awfully nice for the Angels to let the Yankees hang around for the first inning. Then they stopped being polite. By the seventh it was merely a formality.

Halo Hero
Boxscore Breakdown Game #22: Bombs away - Angels 13, Yankees 1
I’m going to go out on a limb and say Aybar’s slump is over.

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