Series Preview: Angels vs. Mariners vs. Back to work


Break time is over. Back to work, everyone! Time to lean? Time to clean!

Yes, that’s right, it is time all the lazy, entitled millionaires get back to the grind. How dare they take four days off, depriving us poor, working class folk of baseball all the while. Who do they think they are? WE MUST BE ENTERTAINED!!!

But seriously, I think we can all agree that this was a tough break to weather for Angels fans simply because the team was on such an exciting hot streak. Whether or not you believe that this break might kill their momentum, it was just disappointing to go half a week without being able to watch a team that was performing at such a high level. But now they are back and all we can do is hope that they pick up where they left off.

Here’s to hoping.

The Angels have lost at home just 15 times this season. Three of those losses were at the hands of the Mariners, who, as it turns out, don’t suck. But that was the first series of the year, so things have certainly changed. But maybe they haven’t changed all that much since the two teams met up in Seattle in late-May to split a four-game set.

Series Preview: Angels vs. Mariners vs. Back to work
There are few former Angels that draw my ire more than Fernando Rodney. Fraudney was complete and utter crap during his time with the Halos and then left them and immediately set a record for the lowest ERA ever. He magically turned into a pretty good closer all the while the Angels have been trying to find someone to fill that role ever since. Then Fraudney reared his crooked-capped head once again to steal the All-Star roster spot from Garrett Richards. He just keeps haunting the Halos!

FRIDAY, 7/18Jered Weaver vs. Hisashi Iwakuma

Weaver’s history against Seattle is weird. He’s pretty decent against their actual good hitters, like Robinson Cano and Kyle Seager. However, he gets hit hard by their most prominent disappointments, Justin Smoak and Dustin Ackley.

Iwakuma has yet to face the Halos this year, but he has a nice history against them. He seems to have discovered the secret to shutting down Mike Trout, which is hard to even comprehend. He’s also shut down Albert Pujols, which is, sadly, easier to comprehend.

SATURDAY, 7/19Garrett Richards vs. Felix Hernandez

Richards has a bit of a mixed track record against the Mariners. However, it is worth noting that Richards hasn’t faced Seattle this year, which seems relevant since he is actually good now.

Mike Trout is the only Angel that can handle The King. Why? Because he is Mike Trout. That may not be enough for the Angels though as Felix came an out away from a complete game victory over the Halos back in May.

SUNDAY, 7/20Tyler Skaggs vs. Chris Young
Skaggs has just the one career start against the Mariners. That was back in May. He was solid in the effort, but took the loss due to some shoddy defense behind him.

Chris Young being good is still a thing, apparently. I mocked Young last time only to have him allow one run on two hits over 6.1 innings in a victory over the Halos. So I’m going to go ahead and just mention that Young still owns Pujols. That still blows my mind.

Because I am in Seattle now, I am a little extra sensitive to the fortunes of the Mariners. There is actually some genuine interest building in them for the first time in years and, honestly, I am kind of put out by it. It is going to be super annoying if I have to start dealing with happy Mariners fans. That’s why I think I have this nagging feeling that the M’s are just going to have the Angels’ number this year. That includes Seattle winning two of three this series.

UNOFFICIAL PREDICTION (so don’t hold me to it)
Even though I have the Mariners beating the Halos this series, I still think they are overachieving. As such, I predict that they win only 82 games and miss the playoffs.

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