Boxscore Breakdown #125: Small win, big loss – Angels 8, Red Sox 3


This should have been a nice win for the Angels, but oh, what a loss it turned out to be. Enough has been written about this already, but suffice it to say that this game will be a turning point in the Angels season one way or another.

On one hand, it is great that the team rallied and won the game, not letting Garrett’s injury send them into a spiral. On the other hand, the “win one for G-Rich” is only going to work for so long. You will be missed, Richards.

Run Expectancy Rundown

It took a little while, but eventually the whole offense rallied around Garrett. Even Josh Hamilton got in the act to have a very nice day, giving us something good to feel good about in light of this tragedy. Mike Trout ended up being the only guy not to reach base. Everyone knows Trout and Garrett are close, so perhaps he took the injury harder than everyone else.

It was all about David Ortiz. The Angels just couldn’t get him out. That was more or less it though. In a weird way, it looked like the Red Sox sort of laid down for the Angels after Richards left the game.

Starting Pitcher Scores

Even before Garrett Richards got hurt, he was having a bad day. Clay Buchholz also had a bad day, but at least his knees are still intact.

Bullpen Battle

A few guys had rocky outings, but didn’t actually let any runs score, so the bullpen ended up being something of a savior in this game, keeping it close long enough for the Angels to mount a comeback.

Game Flow

Things were bleak and getting bleaker when Richards went down. The Halos wallowed in pity for a few innings before bursting back to life to win the game handily.

Halo Hero
Boxscore Breakdown #125: Small win, big loss - Angels 8, Red Sox 3
Get well, soon. Like, really soon. Please?

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