Angels acquire Gordon Beckham for some reason

What do you do as a GM when your team loses its #1 starter? Acquire an underachieving middle infielder, of course!

Yes, for some reason the Angels have traded for Gordon Beckham, apparently to come off the bench. I guess. I don’t really know what he brings to the table though. He is a below average hitter and an average (at best) fielder. He can play third and short, but is primarily a second baseman. There is nothing he brings to the table that a combination of John McDonald and the soon-to-return Grant Green couldn’t provide.

Unless the other shoe drops and we find out that David Freese or Howie Kendrick is hurt, this doesn’t make much sense. For what it is worth, Beckham is under team control in 2015, but is more likely to be non-tendered unless he agrees to take a drastic pay cut.


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