Halo Headlines: Richards avoids arbitration, Hamilton’s wife joins Real Housewives of Orange County


The February 2nd, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Richards avoids arbitration, Hamilton’s wife joins Real Housewives of Orange County and much more…

The Story: Garrett Richards avoids arbitration with a one-year, $3.2 million contract.
The Monkey Says: For a minute there, it looked like his case could get ugly, but the two sides were able to settle. Considering what a complex case it was, this is a great outcome. Matt Joyce is the last Angels arbitration eligible standing.

The Story: The wives of Josh Hamilton and Jim Edmonds are joining the cast of The Real Housewives of Orange County,
The Monkey Says: What the what? Why would Hamilton’s wife do this? I’ve not watched the Real Housewives show very much, but this doesn’t seem like “the Christian thing to do.” I’m sure this won’t be a distraction at all for Josh and his unshakable focus. As for the wife of Edmonds, my guess is that she is mostly seen jogging after another housewife only to suddenly sprint and dive to pull her hair at the last second to make sure she makes it on the highlight reel of the show.

The Story: MLB.com released their top 100 prospect list.
The Monkey Says: ‘Tis the season. They have Heaney checking in at a lofty #25 and Newcomb at #67.

The Story: MLB.com says Andrew Heaney has some of the best control in the minor leagues.
The Monkey Says: Now he just needs to harness it and use it to get batters to swing at his pitch instead of just being a strike thrower.

The Story: Keith Law unveils his top 10 Angels prospect list.
The Monkey Says: He still doesn’t have much nice to say about the Halos. In fact, it is pretty telling that Kaleb Cowart is his #6. What is also interesting is his inclusion of Julio Garcia. It is very hard to rate a 16-year old position player, but Law seems to think enough of him to put him in the top 10.

The Story: A look back at Mike Trout when he was a prospect.
The Monkey Says: It wasn’t even that long ago and even then nobody knew just how amazing he would be.

The Story: Looking back at the top prospects of 2005.
The Monkey Says: Casey Kotchman and Dallas McPherson(!) were in the top 12. This just goes to show you that prospect lists aren’t exactly crystal balls. Seriously, McPherson at 12? Even then they had to have seen his massive plate discipline issues and fielding problems, right? I admit, I fell hook line and sinker for Kotchman, but that McPherson ranking is crazy.

The Story: Angels season ticket renewal rates are strong, but the overall sales are still not as good as years past.
The Monkey Says: At least they are holding serve. I wonder how much sales are down around the league considering what a steep drop off the Halos have seen since 2012. Part of it has to be the economy, but with the Angels winning again, you’d think there would be some kind of spike in sales. I suppose it is possible that the threat to move to Tustin might be hindering sales, but that seems like a reach.

The Story: The most unexpected free agent signing of the last decade.
The Monkey Says: Hamilton makes the list, as I’m sure you guessed. Gary Matthews, Jr. also made the list. I actually don’t think that was all that unexpected though. I mean, the Halos were in desperate need of a center fielder that year, so the pursuit of Matthews was fully anticipated. The contract he was probably pretty surprising though. Clearly these unexpected signings work out very well.

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