Halo Headlines: Josh Hamilton takes issues with Angels’ claims, trade finalized


The April 28th, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Josh Hamilton takes issues with Angels’ claims, trade finalized and much more…

The Story: Josh Hamilton took some issue with Arte Moreno saying he had a “lack of accountability” .
The Monkey Says: Josh threw plenty of shade the Angels’ way during his press conference to finalize the trade. He put all the blame on their side with a few scant reference to them supporting his recovery after the relapse. He also lied that it “wasn’t his call” to replace his accountability partner before last season as he apparently forgot that he was quoted several times about making that decision (check my Twitter feed from yesterday for details). So, yeah, Josh isn’t being straight up here, but the Angels haven’t been either as they had quotes that made it seem as if Hamilton demanded a trade. I’m sure he did at some point, but, as far as we know, he asked to be traded to Texas after the Angels made it clear they didn’t really want him anymore. Perhaps that is incorrect, but that is what the evidence points to right now.

The Story: The Angels and Rangers finalized the trade for Hamilton in exchange for cash or a player to be named later.
The Monkey Says: It will be $1 in cash. This is just paperwork. The Rangers will kick in $7 million to the restructured deal and the Angels will be on the hook for about $68 million of the $83 million he was owed. The money the Rangers pay will come this year though, so that will give the Halos a lot more space under the tax line, virtually assuring that they will make a deal before the deadline. Well, they better make a deal otherwise this move was just about putting more money back in Arte’s checking account.

The Story: Josh Hamilton vetoed a trade to the National League before he was traded for Texas.
The Monkey Says: Nobody knows what team, but the smart money is on the Padres since A.J. Preller knew Josh from Texas and also because Preller is compelled to trade at least three times a month. You can’t be mad at Josh for nixing the deal though. He wanted to be back in Arlington where he knew his support network was strongest.

The Story: Did the Angels shoot themselves in the foot in the Josh Hamilton situation?
The Monkey Says: I don’t think they gave away much leverage because Josh clearly was only going to go to Texas. They also shopped him before he ever even had the relapse and didn’t get any nibbles, so it wasn’t like there was ever much of a market for Josh when his price wasn’t practically free.

The Story: Josh Hamilton is back where he belongs.
The Monkey Says: Josh admits he never should have left and but for the hubris of Arte Moreno, he probably never would have.

The Story: Josh Hamilton is one of the 15 worst free agent signings ever.
The Monkey Says: I’d argue Zito is worse because Zito was never any good. Hamilton didn’t live up to expectations, but he was at least an average producer in his two seasons. Zito even cost the Giants more money, so I think that pushes him over the top.

The Story: Is it time for Arte Moreno to sell the Angels?
The Monkey Says: No, it isn’t. Moreno acted poorly in this situation and has been far too meddlesome as an owner, but during his tenure, the Angels have become a major contender and enjoyed the vastly more success on and off the field than they did in their entire history. The fact of the matter is just about all billionaire owners are pricks. Moreno has done bad things, but he’s done plenty of good and there is no telling who the next owner will be. Just look up the freeway at the Dodgers who were so delighted to have Fox sell the team only to be bought by Frank McCourt who may have been one of the worst owners in the last 50 years. Better the devil you know.

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