Angels vs. Giants Series Preview: Not quite marquee


Coming into the season, Angels vs. Giants was a marquee match-up. The defending World Series champs and the defending regular season champs (which is a thing I just made up to try and make it seem like the Angels having the best record in baseball is a great accomplishment despite their ALDS flameout). However, now the Angels are .500 and can’t score a run to save their lives. The Giants just plain stink.

I had to look this one up because I don’t remember when the Giants and Halos last hooked up. Anytime I think about these two teams playing each other, I can only think of the 2002 World Series, because of course that’s what any of us would remember.

It turns out that they haven’t met since 2012 and that the Angels haven’t been to San Francisco since 2009. The Angels won five of those combined six meetings, not that the history there is in any way relevant.

FRIDAY, 5/1: C.J. Wilson vs. Chris Heston
The focus on this match-up should be all about Wilson and his recently drained elbow. He says it worked for him, but is it something that is going to last? That should be the focus.

You know what the focus is really going to be? That dude’s name is C. Heston! Not quite Charlton Heston, but pretty close. Plus, he’s playing a team that has a monkey for an unofficial mascot. So many “damn dirty ape” jokes to be made. SO MANY.

SATURDAY, 5/2: Hector Santiago vs. Tim Hudson
Hector could take some lessons from Hudson who has over 3000 innings of work in the majors and more 200+ IP seasons that Santiago has starts where he went more than seven innings, probably. Santiago has shown some elements of improvement, but the biggest thing that he needs to show is that he can be a workhorse like Hudson has been throughout his career. Even now Hudson can go deeper than Hector and Hudson is an AARP member. Heck, this ancient ball dude for the Giants can probably pitch deeper into games than Hector.
[mlbvideo id=”30016565?topic_id=21753540″ width=”400″ height=”224″ /]

SUNDAY, 5/3: Jered Weaver vs. Tim Lincecum
In 2011, this would’ve been a great match-up. In 2015, it is kind of sad and kind of makes me want to barf. It might even make Lincecum want to lose his lunch because he is losing velocity at an alarming rate. He’s probably looking at Weaver right now and wondering if he’s just looking at a taller, blonder version of his future self. Maybe that means Lincecum getting put out to pasture soon. Or maybe just being put on the bench to do whatever it is Lincecum does on the bench.

The Angels and Giants are two teams that could be good but right now the Giants kind of stink and the Angels are kind of average. Average bests stink, but it doesn’t sweep stink. Two of three to the Halos.

UNOFFICIAL PREDICTION (so don’t hold me to it)
Bruce Bochy will not make the mistake of handing a departing starting pitcher the game ball before the game is over.

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