Angels vs. Mariners Series Preview: DISAPPOINTED


Before the season, the Mariners were the darlings of all the experts. They are now 10-15. At the same time, the Angels were still getting a lot of respect. They are now 11-14. They’re both very disappointing. The experts are disappointed in them. Their fans are disappointed in them. Everyone is disappointed.


Back when we all had hope and joy in our lives, the Angels and M’s squared off to start the season in Seattle with the Angels taking two of three. Everything seemed so bright and cheery then. But the times, they are a-changin’.

MONDAY, 5/4: Matt Shoemaker vs. Felix Hernandez
When Shoemaker broke in last year, he did so by felling a slew of aces that he kept getting matched up against. He’s really stumbled out of the gates this year, so maybe setting him up against King Felix gives him a chance to once again be a giant killer, or in this case, a king slayer.

TUESDAY, 5/5: Garrett Richards vs. James Paxton
Speaking of disappointed, let’s talk about James Paxton. Excuse me as a gaze at my navel for a bit, but after watching him shred the Angels multiple times last season, I really was impressed with the kid. I was so impressed that I targeted him in all of my fantasy leagues. Now he’s got a 5.74 ERA and I have all the sads. This undoubtedly means that he’ll obliterate the Angels in this one so that I can’t even really enjoy him pitching well.

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WEDNESDAY, 5/6: C.J. Wilson vs. Roenis Elias
This is a very interesting game for C.J. Wilson. He had his elbow drained before his last start and said he felt great. But I’m always more worried about that start after the first start because that is when all the soreness and swelling really sets in. And I should know, because I’m a doctor… as far as you know.

It is May now. It is getting harder and harder to fool myself into believing that the Angels will snap out of it and become a true contender. Yes, the offense can’t possibly stay this bad, but I no longer think it can get a whole lot better. This team probably just isn’t very good. The Mariners may not be either, but the Angels seem to only be getting worse right now which is why they will lose two of these three games.

UNOFFICIAL PREDICTION (so don’t hold me to it)
It is getting to be that time of year again. Time for our first CLOSED DOOR MEETING! That Scioscia special seems like it should be getting pulled out of the bag of tricks any day now as the team searches for answers to their inexplicable struggles. I have to say, I feel preeeetttttty confident about this one.

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