Like Father, Like Son


Grantland’s Ben Lindbergh has written a wonderful article about the too short baseball career of Mike Trout’s father, Jeff, and how his experiences on the diamond might help us better understand the incredible successes of his son. Among the great quotes from Jeff and former Angels scout Greg Morhardt—he of the infamous “best player on the planet” scouting report—and a fun analysis of Trout’s college career at the University of Delaware, is a black-and-white photo of the switch-hitting second baseman squaring up a ball against Lehigh.

My immediate thought on seeing the picture was that I was looking at a negative of Mike’s swing, so I thought it’d be cool to put father and son side by side and share it with y’all. I still can’t determine if the duo’s swings really are mirror images or if that’s just my mind wanting to make that connection. They both seem to have that extra lean at the midsection, but it could just be that all swings look that way at the moment of contact.


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