Introducing the MWAHdcast!


Rejoice, everyone, Monkey With A Halo has a new Angels podcast. Well, the site has a new podcast. MJ Lloyd and I sat down today and discussed a few Los Angeles Angels topics (because, of course) including the state of the team, Garrett Richards‘ recent performances and our lord and savior, Mike Trout in our Mike Trout Propaganda Machine segment. In our The Good the Bad and the Ugly segment, MJ and I discuss the players involved in the Mark Teixeira trade to see what they are up to now.

Closing out the show, MJ surprised me with an impromptu spelling bee. Do I have what it takes to win a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos?

Check back weekly to see what new things we have to discuss, talk about and joke about. You can also send emails to be answered on the show to mwahdcast (@) Gmail (dot) com

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FYI, you can subscribe through SoundCloud for future episodes as well as wait patiently for the podcast feed to get approved by iTunes.

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