MWAHdcast Presents: A Moment with the Monkey – June 3rd, 2015


The folks that brought you The MWAHdcast proudly present “A Moment with the Monkey.” What we here at MWAH have decided to do with our podcast offerings is provide a bit of a variety. Our normal MWAHdcast featuring Mike and MJ will still drop weekly and be the more traditional sort of podcast with co-hosts guiding you through different segments with different guests. But A Moment with the Monkey will be something of a complementary podcast that will record on a more sporadic basis and simply feature myself, The Monkey, monologuing about the latest events with the Angels for about 15 or so minutes. Consider it something of an amuse-bouche to tide you over between regular MWAHdcast offerings. Overall, we just want to offer listeners a variety of listening choices. Hopefully one of them pleases your listening palate.

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