Halo Headlines: Pujols named AL Player of the Week runner-up, Trout unsure about Home Run Derby


The June 16th, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Pujols named AL Player of the Week runner-up, Trout unsure about Home Run Derby and much more…

The Story: Albert Pujols was named AL Player of the Week runner-up.
The Monkey Says: This is what you get when you have a .900+ SLG for the week. He’ll just have to try and do better next time, slacker.

The Story: Mike Trout is unsure if he will participate in the Home Run Derby.
The Monkey Says: I have a feeling this will be the year he signs up as the league might press him into being a team captain.

The Story: The Padres fired Bud Black as their manager.
The Monkey Says: And the flood of demands for Black to replace Butcher as pitching coach commenced about 0.3 seconds afterwards. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Black ended up back in Anaheim, but probably in a front office capacity. He wants to stay local and has front office experience. Whether or not Dipoto wants a Scioscia croney in the fold remains to be seen. I seriously doubt he rejoins the coaching staff though, at least not this season.

The Story: Mike Trout is now the only non-Royal on pace to be a starter for the American League in the All-Star Game.
The Monkey Says: I actually am now rooting for him to somehow get bumped off by Alex Rios, just to see the balloting go completely insane. That won’t happen, but this whole thing is a very amusing farce now.

The Story: Potentially valuable hitters taken in the second through eighth round of this year’s draft.
The Monkey Says: Brandon Sanger is quickly emerging as one of the most interesting players in the entire draft for the Angels.

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