Boxscore Breakdown #91: Double your pleasure – Angels 11, Red Sox 1

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Thank you, police helicopter! The Angels managed to dry out the field at the Big A in time to get this doubleheader started only to flood the field with runs. After some slugging production in the first two games since the break, the Halos poured it on like they did before the break and now seem to have fully recaptured the momentum they had before the layoff that so many thought they might lose.

Angels 11, Red Sox 1

Run Expectancy Rundown
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1u167ZYCMuFUKpHqZ6aEcaGK4zujGB1pDVy9unIpjlRU/pubchart” query=”oid=1976391661&format=interactive” width=”623″ height=”389″ /] Hooray, the Angels offense showed! Double hooray, David Freese found his long lost power!! Triple hooray, Kole Calhoun continues to be red hot!!! Hooray for pretty much everyone except for, oddly, Mike Trout. Heck, even Dan Robertson finally got an extra-base hit after discovering the foolproof strategy of hitting the ball at Hanley Ramirez.

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1u167ZYCMuFUKpHqZ6aEcaGK4zujGB1pDVy9unIpjlRU/pubchart” query=”oid=1154832181&format=interactive” width=”620″ height=”341″ /] They only had one run to show for it, but three different Red Sox had multiple hits. The problem was they also had a bunch of strikeouts, including two players who fanned three times apiece.

Starting Pitcher Scores
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1u167ZYCMuFUKpHqZ6aEcaGK4zujGB1pDVy9unIpjlRU/pubchart” query=”oid=161400381&format=interactive” width=”584″ height=”293″ /] Hector Santiago once again defied the gods of strand rate thanks in no small part to him racking up the strikeouts. Still, that’s no way to achieve sustained success. The only way worse for achieving sustained success is to pitch like Eduardo Rodriguez did when he allowed seven runs on eight pitches at the end of the second inning.

Bullpen Battle
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1u167ZYCMuFUKpHqZ6aEcaGK4zujGB1pDVy9unIpjlRU/pubchart” query=”oid=1141913419&format=interactive” width=”620″ height=”315″ /] It was the lowest of low leverage situations, but it was nice to see Mike Morin get through two innings and looking good in the process. The bullpen for Boston could’ve had a much better day had Pablo Sandoval not booted the Pujols hot shot in the fourth.

Game Flow
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1u167ZYCMuFUKpHqZ6aEcaGK4zujGB1pDVy9unIpjlRU/pubchart” query=”oid=451609002&format=interactive” width=”619″ height=”316″ /] That escalated quickly.

Halo Hero
Boxscore Breakdown #91: Double your pleasure - Angels 11, Red Sox 1
I felt bad about stiffing Kole for the Halo Hero last game, so I now make it up to him here.

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