Boxscore Breakdown #109: O’s put 0’s on Halos – Orioles 5, Angels 0


The Angels did nothing, so I got nothing.

Orioles 5, Angels 0

Run Expectancy Rundown
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1tcTFir5_xZGUrnC2ASRACPauWYphBGoKdvpDYWK9Gpc/pubchart” query=”oid=1976391661&format=interactive” width=”623″ height=”389″ /] There obviously wasn’t much in the form of Angels offense in this one, but there wasn’t even a lot of potential offense that got killed. The ninth inning David Murphy GIDP was really the only good scoring opportunity the Halos had. Nobody other than Albert Pujols and Kole Calhoun really did much of note.

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1tcTFir5_xZGUrnC2ASRACPauWYphBGoKdvpDYWK9Gpc/pubchart” query=”oid=1154832181&format=interactive” width=”620″ height=”341″ /] Manny Machado turns out to be pretty good. Someone should really write something about him being on the same level as Trout and Harper or something. I’m sure no one has covered that territory yet. It is one thing for the Angels to get hit hard by an Orioles catcher, it is quite another when said catcher is Caleb Joseph and not Matt Wieters.

Starting Pitcher Scores
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1tcTFir5_xZGUrnC2ASRACPauWYphBGoKdvpDYWK9Gpc/pubchart” query=”oid=161400381&format=interactive” width=”584″ height=”293″ /] Garrett Richards turned in another underwhelming game. The real killer for him was surrendering so many extra base hits. He allowed a 27.8% hard hit rate in the game, which isn’t bad, but with a homer and four doubles against him, it seems like he is making a lot of mistakes and getting punished for them. If Ubaldo Jimenez made any mistakes, the Angels most definitely didn’t punish him for them at all.

Bullpen Battle
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1tcTFir5_xZGUrnC2ASRACPauWYphBGoKdvpDYWK9Gpc/pubchart” query=”oid=1141913419&format=interactive” width=”620″ height=”315″ /] Darren O’Day haunted the Angels again. They scratched off three hits against him but still couldn’t score, which I assume was just part of his career-long troll job. Cesar Ramos had his first legitimately poor outing on a long while and even allowed a run to be charged against him, which is a true rarity.

Game Flow
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1tcTFir5_xZGUrnC2ASRACPauWYphBGoKdvpDYWK9Gpc/pubchart” query=”oid=41272350&format=interactive” width=”619″ height=”315″ /] Another long, slow descent into failure where the Angels don’t ever really put up a fight.

Halo A-Hole
Boxscore Breakdown #109: O's put 0's on Halos - Orioles 5, Angels 0
This loss was a group effort, but Murphy was the worst of a terrible offense, so he bears their cross.

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