Halo Headlines: Wilson will have season-ending surgery, White Sox closer calls Scioscia ‘bush league’


The August 14th, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Wilson will have season-ending surgery, White Sox closer calls Scioscia ‘bush league’ and much more…

The Story: C.J. Wilson has officially decided to have season-ending surgery.
The Monkey Says: As expected. Why it took so long for him to decide, we don’t know. He should be ready for Spring Training next year, but it now seems next to impossible that the Angels will be able to move his contract this offseason. Turns out there isn’t a lot of teams lining up to take on the expensive contract of a 35-year old coming off elbow surgery.

The Story: David Robertson called Mike Scioscia “bush league” for arguing a replay call and not letting him throw warm-up pitches.
The Monkey Says: Robertson seems to be off-base here, but maybe I’m biased. For starters, Scioscia wasn’t arguing. If he was he would have been ejected. Umpires have been pretty clear about that. What he was doing was getting a clarification for what, honestly, looked like a call that replay got wrong. As for Scioscia blocking the plate so he couldn’t throw, that may well have been gamesmanship. In which case, good for Scioscia. The umpire easily could have had him move or Robertson could, oh, I don’t know, ask the umpire to get out from in front of the plate. The only thing “bush league” about this situation is Robertson whining to the media with this lame excuse for him blowing the save.

The Story: The Angels’ slide corresponds with their RISP struggles.
The Monkey Says: Well, duh. Nobody wins when they aren’t hitting with RISP. Scoring runs is kind of important, as it turns out.

The Story: Chris Iannetta is dealing with a frustrating slump.
The Monkey Says: Again, which is why Angels fans have had enough of him. Granted, his back-up hasn’t hit a lick in months, but let’s not let facts like that get in the way of perfectly good scapegoating. If it makes you feel better, Scioscia is giving Iannetta some of his infamous “mental days off” and will have Perez start for the third straight time today.

The Story: Kole Calhoun has been a boon the Angels lineup.
The Monkey Says: I kind of feel like there should be a moratorium on stories about anyone helping the Angels offense until the Angels offense actually starts producing again.

The Story: Bryce Harper joins Mike Trout in the conversation as to baseball’s best.
The Monkey Says: I would contend that nobody actually has this conversation. If they do bring up the topic, it is probably more of an argument than a conversation.

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