What’s going on with the Angels and Victor Rojas?


If you were lurking in the dungeon of Angels Twitter Tuesday evening you may have noticed an odd rumor: recently fired, and eminently popular, Red Sox play-by-play man Don Orsillo would join the Angels booth as their new TV announcer for 2016. I admit to a general ignorance for Orsillo’s work, but on the few occasions I catch the Sox on MLB.tv for a few innings I crack a smile during a back-and-forth with Jerry Remy. He seems to be respected and well-liked among fans, which is all you can really ask for in an announcer.

Of course, Orsillo’s arrival would mean Victor Rojas’ departure. Rojas has served as the Angels’ play-by-play man for the last six seasons, taking over for Steve Physioc under tough circumstances; popular radio play-by-play announcer Rory Markas was to become the full-time TV guy but tragically and unexpectedly died prior to the 2010 season. In stepped Rojas and Mark Gubicza for the maligned Physioc and Rex Hudler duo.

Rojas isn’t without his faults as an announcer — let’s all pretend “oppo taco” never happened — but no announcer is perfect. Even Saint Vin Scully is prone to mistakes and occasional tedium ::dodges tomato:: The Rojas/Gubi team isn’t the best but they’re a dream team compared to the crew that called games during the Halo Golden Years in the 00s. The booth could be more sabermetrically inclined — fielding percentage, ugh — and Gubi could have better taste in music, but that’s just picking nits. Rojas and Gubizca have developed excellent rapport in the booth, cracking jokes and bantering during the natural lulls of a baseball summer. How many other announcers can make a subtle pornography joke and NOT sound creepy? Imagine Hawk Harrelson doing the same thing….yep, officially grossed out.

Though he’ll show streaks of homer-ism, Rojas is at least closer to the middle than many broadcasters. Think Hudler. I can’t watch a Mariners game with Dave Sims for more than an inning before I want to hurl my computer out the window. At risk of outing myself as a member of the Fun Police, there’s a time for homer calls, and that time is not for first inning strikeouts or routine grounders. Save it for Mike Trout making a bananas play or a walk-off dinger. In the same vein, it’s refreshing to hear Rojas criticize a questionable Mike Scioscia decision or be audibly frustrated with crappy play; C.J. Wilson is a constant source of his disapproval. Announcers aren’t journalists, but it is nice to know they are willing to give the team that pays them some crap when it is deserved.

Rojas isn’t your personal friend, but over the last six seasons you may have heard his voice more than that of close friends or family members. That’s not sad or weird, but the reality of baseball. The season is forever and it’s the perfect thing to flip on while you pay bills or fold laundry. There’s a reason some on Angels Twitter refer to other Angel fans as their “Angels Family” — for half the year every year, we’re experiencing the same ups and downs and minutiae of something we care far too deeply about. Rojas is the conduit with which we experience that; losing Rojas would be like losing a member of an ancillary family. For as bad as Physioc was, I grew up with that doofus, hearing him call Angel games as a kid when I had nothing better to do during summer breaks. If I catch him on TV now I get a rush of nostalgia. Quality matters, sure, but only to a point. Moreno could hire Donald Trump as the play-by-play man for 2016 and it wouldn’t affect the amount of Angel games I watch in 2016. We’re baseball fans, this is the life we have chosen.

Again, this is just Twitter rumors swirling. They might be bullshit. Maybe this is all just posturing in contract talks. Nobody would be surprised if Rojas is back for Opening Day 2016. But if Rojas does leave for whatever reason, I’m sure Orsillo would be an excellent broadcaster and we would all learn to love him. This wouldn’t be like Bill MacDonald (awful) replacing Joel Meyers (underrated) as the Lakers’ lead -play-by-play announcer. Orsillo may go down as the most-beloved Angel announcer ever. But that is for us to ponder in the future. I’ll take my three-run jimmy jacks and the voice of a familiar surrogate friend.

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