Mariners Hire Jerry Dipoto as GM

winston 2020

Everything’s coming up Milhouse for Jerry Dipoto. 

When he stepped down as Angels GM on July 1, he made it explicitly clear that he was simply tired of not having the full support of the manager, the coaching staff, and the owner. He got some of his ideas through in his three-plus years on the job, but it was always pretty evident that nothing happened without at least some form meddling from on high. He got tired of it, and he resigned.

Now, less than three months later, Dipoto’s landed himself a new GM gig with the Seattle Mariners, who have perhaps the most hands-off owners in baseball and a manager who’s eminently replaceable. He might have less money at his disposal while in the Emerald City—or not, if Nintendo decides to open its wallet—but you can be certain he’ll have more autonomy, not having to deal with a man behind the curtain.

Other than the inevitable Tyler Skaggs trade, having Dipoto stay within the division probably won’t have much effect on the Angels’ dealings in the near future, no matter who Arte Moreno and company decide to hire as his replacement.  The early word is that one or more of Dipoto’s staff in Anaheim might join him in the Pacific Northwest, but that shouldn’t cause too much commotion—many were probably out the door if/when the new GM came in anyways.

The moral of the story: Quit your job right at the most critical point in the year so that your dream job, which hasn’t had an opening in nearly a decade, can fall into your lap a couple months later.

Be right back, I’ve gotta talk to my boss.

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