Seminole Sound-off: FSU Pregame and Postgame Rituals


We have changed the name of “Share Your Seminole Story” to “Seminole Sound-off”. This week, we asked our readers and social media followers if they had any unique pregame or postgame rituals or traditions.

From the Staff

I’ve never been real superstitious so there’s nothing too crazy or unusual for this one, but one of the things I like to do before a Florida State football game starts is get a shower. If I’m watching the game on television or sitting in the stands, I wear the same color jersey the team is wearing that day also.

When FSU played Virginia Tech in the 2005 ACC Championship, I expected the Seminoles to be wearing white, but they wore garnet so I had to change before the game started. I also watch until the very end no matter how lopsided the score.

-Mike Ferguson
Editor of Noled Out

Twitter Responses

This might be everyone…

This seems to be a bit better bonding experience…

Next Week’s Question

Aside from Jameis Winston, which recently drafted Seminole are you most looking forward to watching at the next level? Send your tweets to @Noled_Out. You can send long responses to [email protected].

Thanks to all who participated this past week!

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