Now That’s a Boogaard Tribute


Here’s video from the Derek Boogaard Tribute Night before the Wild-Flames game in Minnesota last night…

Here’s the shirt that was given out during the game (h/t to reader Terrance S.)…

…listen, I get that Boogaard was only with the Rangers for a hand full of games, so I didn’t expect an event similar to what the Wild put on last night. But he at least deserved a moment of silence along with a tribute video of the same caliber played during a brief pregame ceremony. Not a combined tribute video during a commercial break.

…making it even worse is that Marian Gaborik, Brian Boyle and Brandon Prust all appear in the video. Rangers players had to go on another team’s tribute video to honor an ex-teammate. Awful.

…as I always say, the Rangers are a first class organization, so I’m still in shock that they dropped the ball here. Still holding out hope they’re going to properly recognize him at some point this season. But I’m not holding by breath.

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