Chargers Avoid Blackout in San Diego


The Chargers’ first two home games were blacked out. The game this coming Sunday will be the first time this season that the San Diego local market will have a home game broadcast.

As of Wednesday night the team needed to sell about 1,000 tickets by the 1:15 PM deadline on Thursday. Yesterday evening the team announced it had satisfied the league’s ticket sales requirement for Sunday’s game. Either the fans came through or the team bought back the tickets to avoid an embarrassing third blackout in a row.

Sure the Chargers have started the season 2-4, but they are far from done. The AFC West is still wide open. Along with San Diego, Denver and Oakland are both 2-4. Moreover, the Chiefs have two losses and aren’t at all out of reach. It seems that San Diego’s fans have already thrown in the towel.

Perhaps it’s the weather that is keeping Charger fans away from the stadium. After all, it is getting deep into fall. It’s only suppose to be 66 degrees on Sunday!

This is a reminder of how great Patriots fans have it – just not temperature wise. For all the crap about how the fans have become soft at Foxboro — things could be a lot worse. There is a passion here that is hard to find across the country.

Rory is a new contributor to Foxboro Blog. He is a contributing editor of Obsessed With Sports. You can follow O_W_S on twitter and email them obsessedwithsports [at]

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