Pitt’s Grand Entrance to the Dance

Pitt's Grand Entrance to the Dance

pitt plays tonite. its the first round of the tourney. we’re playing wright state. they are the raiders. (i didnt know that). they play in ohio, meaning each player must have a minimum of 3 arrests. dashaun wood, the horizon league player of the year, is averaging 19.8 ppg, and is what espn.com calls a “blur.” im not 100% about what that means. im sure hes quick, but i think espn just used a word that can be construed as a compliment, but really is vague enough to not be wrong. the school was founded in 1964, and the team plays at the ervin j. nutter center (sweet). i only put ronald ramon in the picture because its an excuse for everyone to check out his locks, and hes tryin so hard to look like a badass in this pic.
even if pitt loses today, which i dont see happening, they will still find a way to lose again in the sweet 16.
game is at 9:40 P.M.
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