Steelers Fans To Get First Look At Timmons

Steelers Fans To Get First Look At Timmons

You might not know it, Steelers fans, but this is Lawrence Timmons, your first round draft pick in the year 2007.

He is trying to prove that he can be a welcome addition to a team that is emphasizing a change to a 4-3 defense. If done properly, Timmons could play a vital role as a dominant linebacker. There is one obstacle that is preventing this from happening. That obstacle is Lawrence Timmons’ groin.

I never thought I would type that. Ever.

To this point, Timmons has shown us fans absolutely nothing since the team drafted him back in April. In the time that Timmons should have been proving himself on the practice field, he has instead become a fixture on the bench. All while he’s been riding the pine, second rounder LaMarr Woodley has filled in nicely. In fact, more people are discussing LaMarr Woodley’s bright future rather than Timmons’. I am one of those people.

The pundits said the Steelers took Timmons too early. I try to look on the bright side, but Timmons hasn’t showed me anything. Correction, he has showed me that he is oft-injured, and isn’t a speedy recoverer (don’t know if that is a word, but I’ll use it anyway). Hopefully, his elongated absence is more precautionary than anything.

But chin up, Steelers fans. This weekend’s game against the Redskins will provide you with a chance to see Mr. Timmons in action. This comes fresh on the heels of Bill Parker announcing that he, too, will be ready to play. Rejoicing can be heard throughout Steelers Nation.

Coach Tomlin also stated that the first team should play more against Washington. Thank God.

Without the extra playing time, Ben can shrug his shoulders and blame the lack of cohesiveness on his short outing. We are halfway done with the preseason, and there are still a lot of questions to be answered. Can Ben look good for more than a minute? Will Bill Parker rebound from his knee injury in camp? And most importantly, how the hell will Lawrence Timmons look?

The Skins game should shed some light on how the team might/will look once the season starts. Ben will play more, significantly cutting into his cheerleader routine. Fast Bill will see if his fifth gear is finally back. And Lawrence Timmons will show us who he is.

Good to finally meet you, Mr. Timmons. Now show us what ya got.

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